Archit Aggarwal

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About Me

Hi There ! Welcome to my personal website.

I am a final year Engineering Student at Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore. I have a multidisciplinary skillset which integrates technical knowledge and business expertise along with a drive to keep myself motivated to improve and grow.

I was always excited to make a website of my own(who isn't) which led me to learn Web Development.I went on and practised both the front-end and back-end of web development. In the process, learning several frameworks like Angular, Bootstrap.

Later on, I developed an interest in the field of Machine Learning and its applications . Little did I know the hardwork and logic it took to make Siri/Alexa/Google to recognise one's voice and dialogue. I am familiar with many Machine Learning Algorithms and their implementations in various projects.

I have good language proficiency when it comes to C/C++ , Java and have a good understanding in Data Structures. Apart from that , I have been recently learning about various Cloud Computing Platforms such as AWS and Google Cloud Platform which are immensly popular in the industry at the moment.

Want to know about my interests ? Check out the Hobbies section.

NodeJS CRUD Application
Covid Tracker using Angular
MeDetect - ML Web Application
GappeShappe - Real Time Chatrooms

Movie Buff.Traveller.Foodie

Hailing from Delhi , being a Foodie is not a hobby or interest it's a way of living here in the capital (best street food in the world). I have been lucky enough to travel to many parts of the world and try out different cuisines and am also fond of cooking up a meal now and then.

Friday Nights are Movie Nights for me. Always up to date with the latest movies and TV Shows , therefore I always know the plot of the newly released movie or show. Need Movies/ Show recommends , you know who to contact ;) .

"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it is lethal." - Paulo Coelho. I have been lucky to enough to travel to 20+ countries around the globe and many parts of India. I am always looking forward to make plans with people around me for a trip to refresh and explore. I make it my goal to atleast travel someplace new every year to relax and unwind. After all , what better way is there to learn the rules of world than travelling the world.

Apart from that I love reading Mystery,Psychological books and Biographies. I also am a die-hard Liverpool and Barça fan hence my favourite sport to play is football.

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